GRILA Orientation
The current Situation
The current Situation

For Africa, the "new world order" or globalization is essentially a selective redeployment of the capitalist system of the preceding era, and is a trend that will prevent the emergence of a "national bourgeois project." Certain countries will be able to adjust to the demands of the world system but at the odious price of compradorization. Others, despite their desire for growth, are at its mercy and, as a result, will be progressively marginalized, or kept in reserve for future exploitation.

Unfortunately, most African countries, despite the failures of the past few decades, continue to try to resolve the crisis according to prescriptions put forth by global financial institutions (World Bank, IMF) whose interests lie in maintaining the status quo. The frenetic struggle by elites to control wealth, power and violence is ravaging the continent. The broad sectors of society that contest this monopoly of power by the elites do not have the political space to concretize their vision. Progressive forces are, however, organizing and making their voices heard…